The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC) is one of nine Wisconsin commissions established to coordinate planning and development among area municipalities.
Planning Commissions:
- develop and promote regional plans
- provide objective information and professional planning services
- focus local attention on issues of regional importance
The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission carries out land use planning and water quality management planning for the greater Madison region. It must prepare and adopt a master plan for the physical development of the region, which includes Dane County and the cities, towns, and villages with incorporated areas in Dane County. The Planning Commission, under contract with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, maintains an areawide water quality management plan to manage, protect, and enhance the water resources of the region.
The Commission is composed of 13 members appointed by the Mayor of the City of Madison (4), the Dane County Executive (3), the Dane County Cities and Villages Association (3), and the Dane County Towns Association (3). Staff for the Commission include community and environmental resource planners.