There are many programs to protect surface waters in the Greater Madison Region.  As part of the water quality plan, urban service areas include environmental corridors. Federal, state and local county policies also contribute to protecting surface water.

Environmental Corridors

These are designated to protect resources that provide important environmental functions, such as streams, wetlands, floodplains, and steep slopes bordering water bodies. Once defined within an urban service area, these areas are protected from development. These corridor systems are primarily associated with stream valleys and water features, emphasizing the importance of continuity of environmental systems and protection of the land/water edge. CARPC staff works with local units of government to delineate the corridors, which are then used to decide where to locate urban development and major facilities. Visit the Urban Service Area Planning page to learn more.

Policies and Criteria for Environmental Corridors
Environmental Corridors Fact Sheet (updated 2021)
Environmental Corridors Report (1996)

Other Management

Permits for Dredging and Filling Wetlands

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers implements a permit program for altering wetlands. A permit is required for activities that would dredge or fill aquatic resources.  The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources also participates in issuing permits for disturbing wetland.

Water Quality Standards

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources sets standards to protect water bodies from excess pollution and to maintain  quality of water resources.


Dane County issues permits relating to shoreland, wetlands and floodplain zoning.