While the Dane County Water Quality Plan is developed by CARPC, implementation rests in collaboration with local municipalities (61 in total) and other local agencies. Many regional agencies are designated to carry out the plan's recommendations, programs and actions. Coalitions and non-profits are also essential collaborators for implementation and serve an integral role in protecting local water resources.
Designated Agencies
With offices for Land Conservation, Lakes and Watersheds, and Water Resource Engineering, the Dane County Land and Water Resources Department provides many critical programs for protecting soil and water resources. The Land Conservation Division helps landowners (both agricultural and non-agricultural) implement conservation strategies for protecting soil resources. The Office of Lakes and Watersheds engages residents and works with other agency staff to protect water resources. The Water Resource Engineering Division implements the county's Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Programs. It also guides the management of water levels within the Yahara chain of lakes.
Dane County UW-Extension provides outreach on soil, water and nutrient management within an agricultural setting.
The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP)'s Bureau of Land and Water Resource Management focuses on conserving soil, preventing agricultural runoff, and preserving farmland. It implements the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) which pays landowners to to install filter strips along waterways or to return continually flooded fields to wetlands while leaving the remainder of the adjacent land in agricultural production.. The Bureau also helps develop nutrient management plans for farms.
The Department of Natural Resources manages many aspects of water resources. It issues permits relating to water use and runoff, assesses the quality of the regional waters, and implements plans for improving degraded waterways.
Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC) addresses water issues directly impacting human health, including beach water quality, private well testing, surface water contaminants, and other health advisories.
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) implements a water quality program throughout Dane County. Creating these long-term data sets of streamflow and water quality enables better assessment of area resources, an essential component of water resources planning.
Coalitions & Nonprofit Organizations
Wisconsin Salt Wise is a coalition of organizations working together to reduce salt pollution in our lakes, streams and drinking water. Since its creation as a Madison-area partnership in 2015, WI Salt Wise has grown into a statewide program centered on training, public education and advocacy. Originally housed within the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, the Wisconsin Salt Wise program officially became part of the Capital Area RPC in 2023.
Ripple Effects is an education and outreach effort supported by the Madison Area Stormwater Partnership (MAMSWaP), a coalition of Dane County municipalities and organizations working to improve water quality throughout Dane County. Ripple Effects promotes practices to reduce and improve stormwater runoff to area waterways, including installing rain barrels, landscaping with native plants, and keeping streets free of leaves.
The Rock River Coalition (RRC) engages members of the Rock River basin community to improve environmental, recreational, cultural and economic resources. The RRC organizes a volunteer stream monitoring program and supports Chapter organizations focusing on smaller watersheds within the Rock River watershed.
The Upper Sugar River Watershed Association is a non-profit conservation organization leading resource protection and improvement projects in the Upper Sugar River Watershed. The Association collaborates with community partners to disseminate information about watershed issues and engages with volunteers on projects including streambank restoration, water quality monitoring, and invasive species management.
The Clean Lakes Alliance is a nonprofit organization and partnership of diverse stakeholders devoted to improving the water quality of the lakes, streams, and wetlands of the Yahara River Watershed.
The Lake Waubesa Conservation Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the preservation, protection and enhancement of the Lake Waubesa Ecosystem for all to enjoy. The Association coordinates, organizes, and implements clean waterway projects and acts as a unified voice for Lake Waubesa.